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NCJ Number
J Crouch
Date Published
69 pages
The 1990 Bureau of Justice Statistics survey of prosecutor policies and procedures and factors influencing sentencing was replicated in Colorado using data obtained from chief prosecutors in each of the State's 22 judicial districts and district court files.

Offender profile data showed a significant difference in the percent of black offenders in urban (29 percent) and nonurban (7 percent) judicial districts. However, no difference or very little difference was observed in the percent of urban and nonurban offenders in the profile categories of gender, marital status, education, and employment at arrest. The percent of urban and nonurban offenders with mental health, alcohol, and drug problems was similar. Statistical differences were found between criminal history scores of felons sentenced in urban and nonurban districts. At least three-fourths of offenders sentenced in urban and nonurban districts were not in any type of custody at arrest for the sentenced case. The proportion of urban and nonurban sentenced offenders on probation or parole was identical. More urban than nonurban offenders were charged with a Class 3 felony as their most serious offense. A slightly larger proportion of urban than nonurban offenders were charged with a cocaine offense, while a slightly smaller proportion of urban than nonurban offenders were convicted of a cocaine charge as their most serious conviction offense. The median sentence length for urban offenders placed on probation or sentenced to community corrections was 24 months, compared to 36 months for nonurban offenders. The Colorado data are compared to the 1990 national survey. Appendixes contain details on survey methods and procedures and the questionnaire. 34 tables