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Colorado Department of Corrections Statistical Report Fiscal Year 2000

NCJ Number
Kristi L. Rosen
Date Published
110 pages
This annual statistical report provides information pertaining to offenders under the State of Colorado Department of Corrections.
The primary groups focused on in this report included: offenders in secure facilities, those placed on community correction programs, and offenders supervised on parole. Also included in this report were youthful offenders who were sentence as adults. The first section of the report included the following: population growth and legislative changes, maps of different facilities, and reported incidents and escapes. The second section focused on inmate population trends. Some of the topics analyzed were prison sentences and incarceration rates, jail backlog, facility capacity level and population growth, and annual inmate costs. Section three dealt with characteristics of adult prison admissions. Topics included court commitment characteristics, enhanced sentences, need levels of court commitments, and technical returns to prisons. Section four concentrated on the characteristics of prison releases such as time served, and recidivism. Section five analyzed inmate population, while section six focused on parole population characteristics. This report concluded with a section on youth offenders. Topics here included system characteristics, admissions, releases, and terminations. Appendices, tables


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