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Cognitive Model of Crime and Delinquency Prevention and Rehabilitation - Assessment Procedures

NCJ Number
R R Ross; E A Fabiano
Date Published
83 pages
The cognitive model of crime and delinquency holds that criminal behavior is associated with cognitive deficits -- that many offenders have had developmental delays in the acquisition of a number of cognitive skills which are essential to social adaptation.
The model provides a reconceptualization of criminal behavior, which suggests that rehabilitation of a substantial number of offenders could be achieved by correctional programs focus on remediating such deficits through a variety of cognitive training techniques. Support for the cognitive model is found in two areas of research: (1) research which has demonstrated that many offenders evidence deficits in one or more areas and (2) research which is demonstrated that a common and perhaps essential component of effective correctional programs is an intervention strategy that leads to the offenders' cognitive development. The report discusses various assessment procedures that can be used to test offenders' cognitive development. About 80 references and related tests and materials are appended.