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Cognitive Developmental Theory - A Base for Juvenile Correctional Reform?

NCJ Number
Criminology Volume: 19 Issue: 3 Dated: (November 1981) Pages: 360-371
M A Morash
Date Published
12 pages
Cognitive developmental theory has been increasingly offered as an explanation for lawbreaking. The theory suggests that lawbreaking results from individuals not having sufficiently developed reasoning abilities to resolve moral dilemmas, specifically those involving illegal acts. This article reports on an original test of the association between reasoning and lawbreaking and addresses shortcomings of prior research.
The article concludes that although the theory has been recommended and used as a basis for program design, there is little evidence to suggest that reasoning is, indeed, related to lawbreaking. Since ideological appeal of the theory may result in its adoption in program settings, continued empirical testing of hypotheses derived from the theory is of considerable importance. (Publisher abstract)