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Cocaine Addiction: Theory, Research, and Treatment

NCJ Number
J. J. Platt
Date Published
472 pages
After tracing the history and etiology of cocaine and its impact on users, this book describes and assesses various treatment regimens for cocaine addiction.
Two chapters on the history, use, and pharmacology of cocaine address the problem of cocaine abuse and addiction, as well as the administration, action, and pharmacology of cocaine. Two chapters on the behavioral aspects of cocaine addiction focus on the subjective experience, course, and parameters of cocaine abuse, along with the characteristics and behavioral patterns of cocaine abusers. Three chapters on the psychopathological and medical aspects of cocaine abuse consider psychopathology and personality disorders, the medical and related consequences of cocaine abuse, and the sexual behavior of cocaine abusers. The three chapters on treatment encompass major non-pharmacological treatment modalities, pharmacological intervention, and improvement in treatment outcome and the prevention of relapse. In presenting conclusions and recommendations in the final chapter, the author advises that in the absence of a "single best treatment approach" for all cocaine abusers, clinicians should adopt a flexible multimodal approach to treatment. Such an approach should include a psychiatric evaluation to rule out comorbid psychopathology; measures to help the patient identify and understand environmental and internal cues that may trigger drug urges; assistance for the patient in understanding the necessity for abstaining from all drugs, including alcohol; encouragement for the patient to attend and participate in self- help groups; and consideration of the use of adjunct pharmacotherapy. 1,080 references, chapter notes, and a subject index


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