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Co-Corrections - Doing Time Together

NCJ Number
Corrections Today Volume: 48 Issue: 6 Dated: (August 1986) Pages: 134,136,138,140,164-165
S Mahan
Date Published
6 pages
Interviews and seminars with inmates at the cocorrectional Federal facility at Fort Worth, Tex., were used to determine inmate opinions on the advantages and disadvantages of such prisons.
A cocorrectional facility houses male and female inmates under a single administration and permits controlled interaction between male and female inmates. During July and August of 1984, interviews were conducted with 58 inmates, and researchers spent 16 hours in seminars and workshops with inmates (mixed and all-male groups). Seventy-two percent of the 58 men interviewed preferred a coed prison, 14 percent had mixed feelings, and 14 percent favored an all-male prison. Twenty-four percent mentioned less violence as a positive aspect of the coed prison. The opportunity for daily conversations with women was another advantage mentioned, along with the enhancement of self-esteem. The primary disadvantage mentioned was the prison rule and attendant surveillance that prevents physical contact other than handholding between male and female inmates. Inmates reported that this increases stress and undermines an inmate's sense of being a responsible decisionmaker. Prison authorities should involve inmates in the development of guidelines for sexual behavior in coed institutions and also provide furloughs and passes for inmates credited with exemplary conduct. 6 references.