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Clinical Work With Families in Which Sexual Abuse Has Occurred (From Clinical Approaches to Sex Offenders and Their Victims, P 179-208, 1991, Clive R Hollin and Kevin Howells, eds.- See NCJ-141025)

NCJ Number
A Bentovim
Date Published
30 pages
A variety of techniques are available to treat families in which child sexual abuse occurs, and no one treatment approach will meet all the needs of the individual family members, the couple, and the family as a whole.
Therefore, it is essential to have a set of concepts that can helpfully focus on the effect of traumatic and stressful relationships and to help understand and develop ways of helping all family members. Techniques are available to work with individuals, dyads, larger family groups such as siblings and couples, and families together with their networks. Such approaches are derived from various approaches to family therapy, including structural, Milan systemic, and dynamic. The goals of therapy include preventing further abuse, reversing traumatic reactions, and providing a supportive family context for the child and family members. The choice of approach depends on the training and view of the professional carrying out the work. Experience, training, good supervision, and consultation are all crucial as well. Figures and 35 references