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Clinical Approaches to Working With Mentally Disordered and Sexual Offenders

NCJ Number
K Howells, C Hollin
Date Published
68 pages
These papers examine the applicability of individual psychological analysis and intervention to mentally disordered offenders and sexual offenders, as well as to victims of sex offenses.
The first paper reviews the relationship between mental disorder and crime, concluding that almost all mental disorders, apart from psychopathic personality disorder, are only rarely associated unequivocally with criminality. Still, the paper advises that however rare, the links between mental illness and crime must be thoroughly explored, so that opportunities for effective intervention are exploited. A second paper outlines the psychological approach to the treatment of the mentally ill offender and discusses some of the issues involved; the discussion concludes with an account of compulsive shoplifting. A third paper reviews treatment options for people with a mental handicap who are also offenders; it includes a review and evaluation of a pilot project designed to help mentally handicapped persons manage their anger. Three papers address aspects of sexual offending. One presents the case for treating sex offenders; another reviews the victimological aspect of sexual offending; and a third paper discusses issues in counseling women who have been sexually assaulted. The concluding paper addresses the treatment of offenders labelled as "psychopaths;" a new cognitive-interpersonal model for understanding personality disorder is outlined. References accompany the papers. For individual papers, see NCJ-166965-70.