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CLEMIS (Court and Law Enforcemnt Management Information System) Overview

NCJ Number
Date Published
51 pages
This document presents the features and structure of Oakland County's (Michigan) recently enhanced Courts and Law Enforcement Management Information System (CLEMIS), a police information network that provides for daily entry of police data and the generation of statistical reports on crime in the county.
CLEMIS is designed to be the medium for information exchange by all criminal justice agencies, and its development was planned in three phases to cover progressively law enforcement, courts, and corrections. Phase I has been completed, and a computerized network now links 38 of the county's 43 police agencies with a central component. Although CLEMIS will eventually be a computerized criminal justice network, it is currently an online, menu-selectable law enforcement management information system that provides information on arrestees, arrests, incidents, police activity, and crime. A principle feature of the system is its processing of uniform crime reports automatically for each user department. Some benefits of the data base are the facilitation of initial entry and subsequent maintenance of data, the capacity to add requested and mandated functions without disturbing current operations, and the ability to add new users to the system quickly and easily without disturbing current operations. Data that may be displayed on the CLEMIS screen are shown, and management reports are described. The bylaws of the CLEMIS Policy Committee are also presented.