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Clearing the Slate - Juvenile Expungement

NCJ Number
Date Published
4 pages
This pamphlet outlines the procedures for the expungement or sealing of juvenile arrest and court records in Ohio.
Children who come under juvenile court jurisdiction as unrulies or delinquents are eligible to have their records expunged. Although courts are required to inform juveniles of their right to expungement, in actuality few courts do so. When youths are notified of this right, the information is often conveyed in complex legal language that cannot be understood by youths or their parents. Charts outline the procedures that must be followed for juveniles to seal their records when a case has been dismissed or a person acquitted and after adjudication of a case. The expungement process can involve completing a form, signing a paper, answering questions, or appearing at a hearing, depending on a particular court's policies. A final step is to check with local law enforcement agencies in 1 month or 2 to confirm that the court's expungement order was implemented. Sealed records still exist but are accessible only to the juvenile court and may be inspected only upon application by the person who is the subject of the records. Military recruiters currently ask youth applying to the armed forces to disclose any records. However, any questions regarding disclosure should be directed to an attorney. A short glossary is included. (Author abstract modified)