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Claiming Our Status As Experts: Community Organizing

NCJ Number
Feminist Review Issue: 28 Dated: (Spring 1988) Pages: 144-149
Date Published
9 pages
An interagency task force formed in 1985 in Norwich, England has provided both a public forum for the discussion of rape, child sexual abuse, and other aspects of sexual assault and a means for achieving policy and program changes.
The group includes representatives of agencies in both the government and the voluntary private sector. Successful activities have included efforts to achieve changes in police procedures related to adult and child victims, production of an information brochure, and a training day designed to create interagency awareness and communication among professionals and others. Discussions have also been held with court officials regarding facilities and procedures. These efforts show the importance of feminists' becoming involved and claiming their status as experts so that their perspectives will become part of the training and practice of professional and voluntary groups. 1 reference


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