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CJC (Criminal Justice Commission) Annual Report, 1997-98

NCJ Number
Date Published
122 pages
This 1997-98 Annual Report of Queensland's Criminal Justice Commission (Australia) focuses on its activities in detecting public corruption and misconduct, as well as reducing such offenses and crime in general.
The Supreme Court terminated the "Inquiry into the Future Role, Structure, Powers and Operations of the Criminal Justice Commission" for apprehended bias. Details about the heavy toll the Inquiry exerted on Commission staff and resources are in a report entitled, "The Impact of the Connolly-Ryan Inquiry on the Criminal Justice Commission," September 1997. In the area of police and criminal justice research and reform, nine research publications were released. The Commission worked with the Queensland Police Service in examining the physical requirements of general-duties policing, evaluating the impact of organizational restructuring in one police region, and producing a guide for problem-oriented and partnership policing. In the area of police and public sector integrity, the Commission received well over 3,000 complaints, the third highest annual total in the Commission's history. The Commission continued to press for legislative protection for covert operatives and integrity tests. This report also covers what the Commission did in fiscal year 1997-98 in the areas of organized and major crime investigations, misconduct prevention, intelligence, witness protection, and corporate support. A financial summary for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1998, is also provided.