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Citizen Education and Action Programs in 1969 State Law Enforcement Plans Submitted Under Title I, Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968

NCJ Number
Date Published
10 pages
This is a brief summary and critique of how States are involving private citizens in their proposed 1969 programs related to law enforcement issues.
All but three jurisdictions have programs designed to instruct citizens in one way or another, but only five States have made specific provisions for citizens to speak to the criminal justice system. Few programs are designed to utilize private citizens in a volunteer capacity and almost no programs are designed to make use of citizens possessing highly specialized skills. The overall impression of the programs involving citizens is that the criminal justice system is either unable or unwilling to involve private citizens in an active way. Most programs are directed to public education, public relations, and police-community relations. The proposed programs are discussed under the following categories: public education; protective education in relation to narcotics abuse, general crime, and organized crime; police-community relations; volunteer programs; and unique programs.