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Citalopram Treatment for Impulsive Aggression in Children and Adolescents: An Open Pilot Study

NCJ Number
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Volume: 41 Issue: 5 Dated: May 2002 Pages: 522-529
Jorge L. Armenteros M.D.; John E. Lewis Ph.D.
Date Published
8 pages
This paper assesses the short-term effect and safety of citalopram in reducing impulsive aggression in children and adolescents.
Twelve subjects, aged 7 to 15 years, were attending a psychiatric outpatient clinic; all 12 had a profile of impulsive aggression. Subjects were treated in an open trial with citalopram for 6 weeks. Dosage was regulated individually over a period of 4 weeks. Outcome measures included the Modified Overt Aggression Scale (MOAS), the Child Behavioral Checklist (CBCL), and the Clinical Global Impressions (CGI). Eleven subjects completed the study. Citalopram produced clinically and statistically significant reductions on target symptoms of impulsive aggression, independent of other behavioral problems. No major adverse reactions were associated with citalopram use. The paper observes that citalopram appears to be effective and well tolerated in this sample of children and adolescents with impulsive aggression. Tables, figure, references


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