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Choosing the Right Digital Camera for the Job

NCJ Number
Law Enforcement Technology Volume: 29 Issue: 6 Dated: June 2002 Pages: 24-31
Herb Blitzer
Date Published
June 2002
8 pages
This article presents and illustrates the use of a formula that can estimate the parameters for taking photos with digital cameras, so as to ensure that the finest details required will be reproduced reliably.
This article illustrates the use of the formula in determining the capabilities of the Olympus Camedia D-370, C-2500, and E-10 in photographing damage to a car front, a full-hand print, and a finger-tip print. Camera specifications used in the formula for deciding the appropriate camera to use are the sensor chip's total capacity in megapixels, the number of pixels across the width of the frame, and the number of pixels across the height of the frame. Using these camera specifications, the formula produces the following information on pictures of the car front, the full-hand print, and the finger-tip print for each of the three cameras considered: width of the image at the focal plane in inches, the actual size of the fine detail, and the size of fine detail that will be reliably reproduced. The pictures produced by each type of camera are critiqued according to their usefulness. The application of the formula will determine the size of the finest detail that will be reliably reproduced given the camera and the set up. The formula can also be used to determine the maximum frame width given the camera and the small detail size. Finally, the formula can be used to select a camera, given the detail and set-up requirements. 8 figures