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Children's Program Manual for Volunteers

NCJ Number
J Gundy; L Walker
Date Published
70 pages
The Project for Victims of Family Violence in Fayetteville, Arkansas, provides services to victims of family violence, incest, and rape.
Services may include shelter, crisis intervention, education, counseling, liaison with other service agencies, parenting education, child therapy and programs, advocacy, and nationwide resource networking. Because child abuse is significantly higher in families where there is spouse abuse, the Project has developed guidelines for shelter programs that focus on child victims of family violence. The guidelines cover children's values, the role of volunteers in shelter programs, teenage victims, characteristics of children who come to shelters, and how to motivate children to communicate. The guidelines also encompass listening skills, safety, discipline, problem-solving, role playing, program activities, and staff burnout. The Project has concluded that shelters for battered women must address the needs of children. Children in shelters have been emotionally abused by witnessing the abuse of their mothers, and many have been physically, verbally, or sexually abused themselves. Most have low self-esteem and relatively short attention spans that require effective shelter intervention programs. Sample forms for recruiting and evaluating volunteers to work in shelters are included. 16 references.