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Children's Cyber-Safety and Protection in Australia: An Analysis of Community Stakeholder Views

NCJ Number
Crime Prevention and Community Safety Volume: 14 Issue: 3 Dated: August 2012 Pages: 165-181
Nigel Martin; John Rice
Date Published
August 2012
17 pages
This study examined the level of cyber-safety and protection for children in Australia.
Protecting children from the risks posed by negative influences in the online environment (that is, cyber-safety) is a growing concern within the Australian community. In this study, the views of 151 individuals and community stakeholder organizations, which represent the interests of children's cyber-safety in Australia, were analyzed using content coding and analysis techniques. The analysis suggests that, given the accessibility of the online environment, stakeholders may need to exercise structured controls for child safety. In examining the major cyber threats and responses identified by the stakeholders, the study found that cyber-safety education and awareness programs are considered to represent the main effective and viable threat response. In addition, the research uncovered cyber bullying as a 'whole of community' problem that might be addressed through robust bullying prevention policies and programs, and improved resources and training for teachers, school principals and parents. The study notes that current policy directions for children's cyber-safety will need to flow through to every layer of the community. (Published Abstract)