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Children Living With Domestic Violence: Child Abuse in Families With Marital Violence

NCJ Number
Virginia Child Protection Newsletter Volume: 60 Dated: Winter 2001 Pages: 1-16
Joann Grayson Ph.D.
Date Published
16 pages
This newsletter addresses issues related to child protection and the effects on children of exposure to violence.
The lead article in this issue of the Virginia Child Protection Newsletter (VCPN) concerns children living with domestic violence. The article emphasizes a child's need to develop a positive sense of self in order to grow into a healthy, productive, caring adult. The article defines what constitutes domestic violence and discusses: incidence; specific risks to children, very young children, school-aged children, and adolescents; parent-child relationships; additional stressors; short- and long-term effects; and intervention. The second major article examines child abuse in families with marital violence. It presents statistics on the occurrence of overlapping violence and discusses the effects on children. It reviews the availability of domestic violence programs and mental health services, successful interventions, and training strategies. The article concludes that, while collaborative intervention efforts are new, there are promising partnerships among child protective services, courts, domestic violence programs, and the community. There is realization that empowerment of mothers has the most promise of protecting children. The Newsletter also contains an article on the Women's Resource Center of the New River Valley.


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