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Children, Family, and the State in Sweden

NCJ Number
Journal of Law and Society Volume: 17 Issue: 4 Dated: (Winter 1990) Pages: 427-444
D Bradley
Date Published
18 pages
The article identifies some aspects of legal policy affecting children in Sweden and considers various aspects of the relationship between the family and the State in Sweden which contribute to the distinctive environment in which children are brought up.
By identifying several aspects of legal policy affecting children in Sweden, the article demonstrates the scope for variation in concepts of the welfare of the child and emphasizes the extent to which policies involving children are relative to a particular culture, even in Western societies. Aspects covered include care of children, particularly for children of working mothers; social welfare and material provision for children such as social security and adapting working conditions to meet the needs of both parents; children and sexual morality; and State intervention in parental autonomy such as artificial reproduction. The article concludes with the idea that children are a powerful focus for popular attention and have a potentially active role in the development of policies concerning them. 121 footnotes.


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