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Child Victims of Homicide: A Portrait of Their Killers and the Circumstances of Their Deaths

NCJ Number
Violence and Victims Volume: 5 Issue: 4 Dated: (Winter 1990) Pages: 287-296
A Goetting
Date Published
10 pages
This study of 93 child homicides committed in Detroit between 1982 and 1986 examined many of the characteristics of victim and offender, their relationship, and the case prosecution. The information was intended to contribute to the development of a data base.
The demographic and social characteristics of offenders and victims included in the study were race, sex, age, religious affiliation of offender, residential and domestic status of offender, residence and family background of victim, and offender social class indicators and arrest record. The demographic, social, and residential relationships between offenders and victims were analyzed. Among the factors examined under the rubric of offense circumstances were general social context, homicidal method, spatial and temporal considerations, and offender's response to the crime. The role of prosecuting attorney and court in the case disposition is also studied. 6 notes and 33 references (Author abstract modified)


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