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Child Victims and Witnesses Support Materials: Brandon’s Path: Rights & Roles Book

NCJ Number
Date Published
December 2022
17 pages

This booklet, geared toward teens ages 13-18 years, accompanies “Brandon’s Path,” and explains the jobs of the different adults in dependency court and addresses rights in the child welfare system.


The story of Brandon is part of a series of materials for children who are participating in the justice system as victims or witnesses, created by the Center for Court Innovation’s Child Witness Materials Development Project with funding by the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC). Designed to support children during their involvement in the criminal justice and child welfare systems, this booklet’s target audience is American Indian and Alaska Native children, ages 13-18 years, who are facing an experience with Child Protective Services (CPS); it focuses on explaining the various roles of people in the child welfare system and providing children with tools to cope with their situation. This booklet also informs teens of their role and rights when their family is part of a dependency court case.