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Child Victims of Abuse and Neglect: A Portuguese Research Project (From Crime and Its Victims: International Research and Public Policy Issues, P 135-139, 1989, Emilio C Viano, ed. -- See NCJ-119600)

NCJ Number
E Gersao
Date Published
5 pages
The findings of a research project concerning maltreated and neglected children are presented. The research was based on a questionnaire addressed by mail to priests and local authorities in a sample composed of 500 communities. It focused mainly on children who were maltreated or neglected by their own families.
A quarter of the parishes that responded stated that there were abused children in their area. A third of those parishes confirmed the existence of seriously neglected children. The most frequent types of abuse were beatings and want of the most basic care. A significant number of cases of psychological abuse, such as constant scolding, lack of love, and interdiction of playing were mentioned. A relationship seems to exist between child abuse and the predominance of cultural patterns which accept physical punishment as a legitimate educational tool. The characteristics of families who abused or neglected their children were of low cultural and financial status. 7 notes