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Child Sexual Abuse

NCJ Number
Journal of Child and Youth Care Dated: special issue (Fall 1991) Pages: complete issue
B Thomlison, C Bagley
Date Published
167 pages
This issue contains selected papers presented at a University of Calgary workshop on research and therapy in the field of child sexual abuse.
Calgary has in place a well-coordinated and well-funded child protection system in which the police, crown prosecutors, and therapists work together. Long-term therapy for victims, offenders, and family members is contracted out to various agencies. One therapeutic model, described here, implements a modified form of family systems therapy. One of the problems in organizing a system of therapy is the unpredictability of judges presiding in sexual abuse cases. A study of Canadian courts and police agencies charts the disposition of child sexual abuse cases. Prevention of child sexual abuse can be achieved by teaching children to recognize the signs of abuse, avoid it, and report it if it occurs. Several articles report on different treatment methods for young males in residential child and youth care who have been victimized sexually and are in danger of moving into the victim-to-abuser cycle. Chapter references