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Child-Related Characteristics Associated With Preventing Out-Of-Home Child Placement in Home-Based Family-Centered Programs: A Research Note

NCJ Number
Community Alternatives International Journal of Family Care Volume: 4 Issue: 1 Dated: (Spring 1992) Pages: 49-65
Y Unrau; R Grinnell; M Stephens
Date Published
17 pages
This research note presents the results of a Canadian study designed to determine the child characteristics that are related to the prevention of out-of-home child placement.
The information was compiled from data on 139 children who were involved with four Alberta agencies. The four agencies provide home-based family-centered programs that are designed to prevent out-of-home child placement. Placement was prevented for 116 children (83 percent) which is consistent with the data reported in the growing body of North American literature on the success of in-home support programs. Twelve, child-related variables were correlated with case outcomes in attempts to develop a beginning profile of children most likely to avoid out-of-home placements after receiving home-based family-centered services. No correlation was found between outcome and child's age, gender, physical aggression, delinquency, and problem school behavior. Significant correlations were found between outcomes and placement of intake and whether children were previously in care; the relationship was positive when children were at home at intake, but negative when they were in care at intake or had previously been in care. Negative correlations were also found between program success and whether or not the children had been physically abused, sexually abused, neglected, or were suicidal. 1 table and 18 references (Author abstract modified)