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Child Pornography in the Digital Age

NCJ Number
Transnational Organized Crime Volume: 3 Issue: 4 Dated: Winter 1997 Pages: 171-188
Anna Grant; Fiona David; Peter Grabosky
Phil Williams
Date Published
18 pages
This article explores the issue of child pornography as it has been transformed by new global telecommunications networks and computing technology.
These communications media have markedly facilitated the production, reproduction, and dissemination of child pornography as well as the concealment of this activity from law enforcement. Following a discussion of definitional issues, the article turns to an overview of contemporary manifestations of child pornography, particularly its transnational dimension. It then reviews some of the countermeasures that are being mobilized against child pornography in the digital age and suggests the most appropriate configuration of these countermeasures in both domestic and transnational contexts. In describing various means of controlling internet child pornography, the article advises that depending on the context, the location, and the level of visibility of the conduct in question, control strategies will involve a combination of efforts by law enforcement, concerned citizens, and the online services industry. Suggestions are offered for each of these entities in their efforts to obstruct, prevent, and prosecute child pornography on the Internet. 14 notes