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Child Homicide Task Force

NCJ Number
10-43 Illinois State Police Magazine Dated: Winter/Spring 2001 Pages: 31-33
Bob Fletcher
Date Published
3 pages
This article described the Illinois State Police’s Child Homicide Task Force, a special investigative unit protecting those victims who cannot protect themselves and bringing justice to innocent victims whose lives were brutally ended.
In 1998, the Illinois State Police Department created the Child Homicide Task Force funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Justice and dedicated to solving violent crimes against society’s youngest victims. This Task Force is a unique partnership between ISP investigators and child abuse experts, such as pediatricians, forensic pathologists, State’s attorneys, child safety advocates, and case workers and managers from the State’s Department of Children and Family Services. Since the Task Force’s inception, the agents have conducted more than 23 investigations into deaths or severe injuries involving children, 13 of which produced suspects currently awaiting trial. To provide a better understanding of the unit’s objectives and efforts, cases previously investigated were described.