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Child Abuse: Awareness Information for People in the Workplace

NCJ Number
Gordon R. Phaneuf
Date Published
36 pages
This handbook contains data for people interested in discussing child abuse issues.
Data for this project were developed after focus groups on wife assault, child abuse, and abuse and neglect of older adults. The program is designed for informal groups; is based on peer leadership; contains basic information on family violence; focuses on awareness and resources; is designed in a 1-hour format; and is for use in the workplace and other settings to guide informal discussions. The paper contains instructions and suggestions on setting up information sessions; tips for presenters; a step by step guide to beginning the discussion and exercises based on specific topics, such as physical abuse, neglect, sexual abuse, and emotional abuse. It also discusses what to do in responding to a disclosure and selected information from The National Clearinghouse on Family Violence. Bibliography, notes, forms