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Child Abuse and Neglect: A Guidebook for Educators and Community Leaders

NCJ Number
E L Erickson; A McEvoy; N D Colucci
Date Published
4 pages
This book assists educators in developing a systematic approach to child abuse intervention and prevention in the school context.
After reviewing definitions of child maltreatment and the characteristics of abusing and neglectful parents, the summary suggests how schools can develop a child protection policy in accordance with State law. An interdisciplinary network and collaboration are suggested. To assist educators in identifying abused children, the summary lists typical behaviors manifested by abused children and by abusing parents, as well as some common characteristics of sexually abused children. A referral process is suggested, since the school's responsibility is to identify and report, not investigate, cases of abuse and neglect. Once abuse has been identified and reported, the school can assist by relating to parents in a nonadversarial, supportive posture, ensuring confidentiality. Schools can be effective in preventing child abuse by teaching sex education, human development, and family living to students; providing parent education; and instructing educators and school volunteers in the prevention, identification, and reporting of child abuse and neglect. Programming for teenage parents is important, since they are often in stressful circumstances that precipitate child abuse. 3 sources of information and 4 suggested readings.