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Child Abuse and the Family Court

NCJ Number
T Brown; M Frederico; L Hewitt; R Sheehan
Date Published
6 pages
Australia's family court system has a strong tradition of innovation in the handling of family matters, but family law is a Federal issue and child protection is a State issue.
Recent research indicates that families in which child abuse occurs have many difficulties, including a history of family violence, and challenges the community belief that false allegations of child abuse are more common in family court cases than in other situations. Research also shows that child abuse is severe in 70 percent of cases in which family breakdown involves child abuse allegations, the families in which child abuse occurs are generally not known to child protection services. Proposals to better manage child abuse allegations in residence and contact cases coming before the family court in Australia need careful consideration by all government agencies concerned. A brief history of the family court system in Australia is presented, effective strategies for family courts to follow in dealing with child abuse cases are described, and future considerations to guide family courts in addressing family violence problems and issues are noted. 17 references and 3 tables