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NCJ Number
Searchlight Volume: 1 Issue: 2 Dated: (Fall 1993) Pages: 3-7
R W Dart
Date Published
5 pages
In response to increased street gang activities, the Chicago Police Department established a Gang Crime Section in 1980, teamed up with the Gang Special Prosecution Unit of the Cook County State attorney's office in 1990, and established a gang enforcement program in 1991.
The Gang Crime Section is comprised of three geographically dispersed units (south, west, and north). Section officers are on the street from 9 a.m. to 2 a.m., 7 days a week. The section focuses on enforcement, investigation, and intelligence operations. Field personnel deployed on each watch include both tactical police officers and gang crime specialists. Because of a sharp increase in the number of gang homicides in 1990, the Chicago Police Department decided to collaborate with the Gang Special Prosecution Unit of the Cook County State attorney's office in prosecuting multiple offenders and conspiracy cases. The department also works with Federal, State, and local law enforcement agencies in dealing with street gangs and prepares a monthly statistical report on type and location of gang crimes. In 1991, the Gang Crime Section was expanded to include a new unit, the Concentrated Community Gang Enforcement Program, commonly referred to by the media as the Flying Squad. Squad officers deploy with sergeants and uniformed tactical police officers in unmarked police vehicles. Each night, two geographically limited areas of about five square blocks each are targeted for police saturation deployment by the squad, thus enhancing the perception by gang members of an omnipresent police force. The nature and membership of gangs are examined, along with reasons why youth join gangs and organizational levels of gang involvement.