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NCJ Number
CJ The Americas Volume: 6 Issue: 2 Dated: (April/May 1993) Pages: 11-12
R Pavlock
Date Published
2 pages
This article describes the development and activities of Regional Action Planning Project (RAPP), a network 65 of law enforcement, school, park, and social service agencies from 16 suburban Chicago towns aimed at controlling and eliminating gang activity.
RAPP covers nine townships of Northwest Suburban Cook and Southern Lake Counties. It is working to eliminate conditions that lead to alienation, delinquency and gang development in an area with increasing cultural diversity. Among RAPP's activities are programs to increase community awareness of gang activity and to encourage a policy of zero tolerance for gang activity and drug use in school, the Second Choice program, an alternative to juvenile court for adjudicated delinquents, plans for three Community Resource Centers to provide a variety of social services, and the development of a universal definition of "gang" and "gang crime" to assist the police, schools and other community institutions. The organizational structure of RAPP includes an Advisory Board, three Strategies Planning Committees, a Task Force, and an Executive Committee. A manual is planned to document the work of RAPP for use as a model by other interested communities.