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Chicago Police Department, Annual Report 1991

NCJ Number
Date Published
19 pages
The Chicago Police Department data on crimes and arrests contained in this report cover the 12-month calendar year January 1 through December 31, 1991.
Tables and graphs present statistics on offenses by type; all arrests; index crimes by district and area; murder offenses by type; robbery, burglary, and theft offenses by type; aggravated assault offenses by type; and motor vehicle theft offenses by type. Additional data includes youth division activities; disposition of juveniles; traffic accident causes and traffic accidents by type of accident; the age, sex, and race of those arrested; community services; communications; and field and records inquiries. For the year ending December 31, 1991, 323,944 total offenses and 316,551 total non-traffic arrests were recorded. The breakdown for non-traffic arrests was as follows: murder, 1,096; criminal sexual assault, 942; aggravated assault, 8,453; robbery, 5,788; burglary, 7,242; theft, 39,068; motor vehicle theft, 8,899; arson, 264; and other non-traffic arrests, 244,799.


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