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Chicago, Illinois Links Field to Records Via Mobile Terminal System

NCJ Number
Police Chief Volume: 49 Issue: 9 Dated: (September 1982) Pages: 19-23
M L Rodriguez
Date Published
5 pages
The Chicago Police Department has introduced a mobile computer terminal system that provides an officer in the field with direct access to data needed for name and license plate checks and checks on drivers' licenses and with the capability of communicating with other officers in the field and at the station.
The mobile terminal system has four interactive component segments. The mobile equipment consists of an alpha-numeric keyboard for initiating inquiries and a display terminal. Strategically located remote receivers intercept the mobile radio transmission and related equipment codes and decodes the officer's inquiries. The multiline mobile data terminal controller (minicomputer) acts as a message switch in the mobile terminal network. The central processor, a large-scale general-purpose computer, connects the mobile network with the department's data base, land-based terminals, and computer services of outside agencies. There are five possible commands for obtaining information on persons and vehicles; four commands are administrative in nature. Benefits expected from the system are increases in arrests and stolen property recovery as well as improved services to citizens and increased officer safety. The dispatcher is also freed to devote full-time to the primary dispatch radio channels.