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NCJ Number
Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science Volume: 322 Dated: (March 1959) Pages: 19-29
S Kobrin
Date Published
11 pages
The Chicago Area Project was based on studies of the epidemiology of juvenile delinquency and the social experience of children growing up in city neighborhoods with a high delinquency rate.
The project regarded the structure of local society as deficient in its ability to reduce the normal alienation of male adolescents and to restore and maintain adult controls. In most instances, delinquency in this environment was viewed as a product of social learning. Project procedures were based on the assumption that young people would be primarily responsive to the expectations of their intimate groups (family, peers, and neighbors). The major project activity involved the development of youth welfare organizations among residents of delinquency areas and, within the structure of these organizations, direct work with predelinquent and delinquent individuals and groups. Neighborhood groups were encouraged to employ qualified local residents to conduct the work. Variations in the procedures of local groups and in program content reflected different patterns in the integration of local social institutions. Project experience indicated that residents of delinquency areas were capable of action in relation to youth welfare programs and that such action reduced delinquency.