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Checklist for the Assessment of Psychopathy in Criminal Populations (From Clinical Criminology, P 157-167, 1985, Mark H Ben-Aron et al, eds. - See NCJ-101207)

NCJ Number
R D Hare
Date Published
11 pages
This article describes the development and validation of a 22-item checklist for the assessment of psychopathy in prison populations.
The initial item pool was made up of 100 traits, behaviors, indicants, and counterindicants used in making a global clinical assessment based on the 16 Cleckley criteria for psychopathy. Statistical analyses reduced this pool to 22 items, each of which is rated on a 3-point scale. Based on data for 143 inmates, the checklist was found to be highly reliable (coefficient of .88). The correlation between total checklist scores and global ratings of psychopathy was linear and highly significant. Additional analyses indicate that the checklist could correctly discriminate 95 percent of inmates with high and low global ratings of psychopathy. Further, there was a high degree of agreement between the factors derived from an analysis of the Cleckley criteria and those derived from an analysis of the checklist. Subsequent research indicates that the checklist is a reliable and valid instrument for the assessment of psychopathy in criminal populations and can be used effectively even by relatively inexperienced correctional personnel. 17 references and 1 footnote.


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