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To Chase or Not To Chase?

NCJ Number
Police Volume: 21 Issue: 11 Dated: (1989) Pages: 28-30
T Judge
Date Published
3 pages
Pursuit incidents should be managed to reduce risks to all concerned, with priority given to public safety.

The risk of a pursuit may be reduced by stopping vehicles from the front, but where the risk of an armed suspect is involved, a vehicle should be stopped from the rear. Police should be trained in both front and rear stops and in factors affecting the kind of stop to make under various circumstances. When a pursuit is undertaken, the pursuing officer should immediately notify the controller in charge of such incidents. The controller ensures that only two vehicles are involved in any pursuit and that the drivers of the vehicles are qualified to conduct pursuits. The controller decides whether a pursuit should be terminated in the interest of safety. Both controllers and patrol officers should receive training in their respective duties in such incidents. Controllers and officers in all jurisdictions should receive uniform training to ensure that pursuits across jurisdictional boundaries are governed by similar policies. The danger of police high-speed driving in response to service calls can be reduced by prioritizing calls. In any event, no police assistance is so urgent that the public should be placed at undue risk.