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Characteristics of Population in California State Prisons by Institution, June 30, 1990

NCJ Number
Date Published
33 pages
Selected characteristics are presented for the 93,810 inmates who were in California Department of Corrections' institutions on June 30, 1990.
One chart and 11 tables provide data on population characteristics, most serious offense by institution and by type of commitment, ethnic group by institution and type of commitment, age group by institution and type of commitment, area and county of commitment by institution and by type of commitment, type of commitment by institution, and parole/outpatient return status under current commitment by institution and by type of commitment. The characteristics are based on the entire institution population which includes felons, civil narcotic addicts, and others. For all institutions and of all 93,164 known offenses, 37,993 were violent offenses, 25,681 were property offenses, 24,678 were drug offenses, and 4,812 were other offenses.