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Characteristics of Inmates Discharged 1996

NCJ Number
James A. Lyons
Date Published
85 pages
This report presents information on the characteristics of inmates released from the facilities of the New York State Department of Correctional Services during calendar year 1996.
Length of time in custody is presented according to various legal history criteria such as commitment offense, felony class category of commitment offense, minimum sentence length, and maximum sentence length. In addition, several tables show trends in length of stay across the years 1992 through 1996. There were 30,985 total releases during 1996. Of these, 17,200 were inmates released to parole supervision for the first time on the current sentence. Of the 17,200 first releases to parole supervision, 28 percent were committed for legislatively designated violent felony offenses, 6 percent for other violent/coercive offenses, 47 percent for drug offenses, 15 percent for property and other types of offenses, and 3 percent as youthful offenders. The average time served for the 17,200 first releases to parole supervision was 27.8 months. The average total time served in custody for a first-felony offender was 29.2 months. The average total time served in custody for persons sentenced as a second-felony offender was 36.8 months. The average total time served for violent felony offenders increased from 42.6 months in 1992 to 48.7 months in 1996. The average total time served for property offenders rose slightly from 21.8 to 23.3 months over the period from 1992 to 1996. Extensive tables and figures