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Characteristics of Frequently Imprisoned Offenders: Comparative Analysis With Rehabilitated Offenders

NCJ Number
Bulletin of the Criminological Research Department Dated: (1989) Pages: 8-11
Y Nozaka; T Otsuki; Y Yamaguchi; M Ichikawa; S Hashisako
Date Published
4 pages
Offenders imprisoned 10 times or more in Japan were compared with offenders who were successfully rehabilitated after the first imprisonment to determine the specific characteristics related to the frequently imprisoned offenders at the time of their first incarceration.
Four hundred fifty-seven male prisoners who had served their first sentence of imprisonment between 1960 and 1965 and were serving a later sentence on August 1, 1987 were compared with 637 ex-offenders who had been out of prison for 6 years. Information was collected from official records. Results showed that at the time of their first incarceration frequent offenders were frequently characterized by problems in family relationships, unemployment, lack of permanent housing, a previous record of juvenile training schools, and current offenses of theft and fraud. Further research should provide more reliable information for predicting future frequent offenders at the time of the first imprisonment.


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