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Characteristics of Clinical Sample of Sexually Abused Children: How Boy and Girl Victims Differ

NCJ Number
Child Abuse and Neglect Volume: 13 Issue: 2 Dated: (1989) Pages: 281-291
K C Faller
Date Published
11 pages
A clinical sample of 87 boy victims of child abuse were compared to 226 girl victims.
Boys were on average 6.3 years of age at the time of such sexual abuse while girls were 5.5 years. Boys were more likely to be victimized by some one outside the family than girls, but in this study two thirds of the boys were abused by someone within the family. The majority of perpetrators were men. Girls were more likely to be abused by men, and boys by both men and women, while only a small percentage of the offenders were women acting alone. The study presented data on the role of relationship between victim and offender, and how it differed for boy and girl victims. Tables and 39 references. (Author abstract modified)


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