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Characteristics of 60 Children and Adolescents Who Have a History of Sexual Assault Against Others: Evidence From a Controlled Study

NCJ Number
Journal of Child and Youth Care Dated: special issue (Fall 1991) Pages: 43-52
C Bagley; D Shewchuk-Dann
Date Published
10 pages
A sample of 60 children and adolescents between the ages of 9 and 17, who resided in two residential treatment centers for several disturbed children, were identified as having a history of sexual assault against others. This sample was compared against a group of 320 age- and sex- matched controls.
The findings indicate that the sexually assaultive children displayed statistically significant differences from the control group in that they had more self-concept problems, more hyperactivity and restlessness, more aggression toward their fathers, more anxiety and depression, a higher incidence of substance abuse, more running away from home, more encopresis, more fire-setting, and higher rates of early onset of neurological conditions and illnesses. Two other findings were significant. The sexually assaultive subjects were less likely to commit traditional delinquent offenses including physical assault and theft. They also tended to come from intact, "hothouse" families that exhibited gross pathology including physical and sexual child abuse. 1 table and 16 references