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Challenges and Opportunities in Drug Prevention: A Demand Reduction Resource Guide for Law Enforcement Officers

NCJ Number
S Hay
Date Published
219 pages
This is a practical guide for police managers responsible for alcohol and drug prevention planning and implementation.
Two chapters provide an overview of the concept of drug prevention, list components of drug-prevention programming, and explain law enforcement's role in drug prevention. Four chapters describe four important tools for drug-prevention programming and how to acquire them: forming a community partnership, obtaining information and statistics on the community, developing a good working relationship with local media, and developing personal skills for working effectively in drug prevention. Four chapters discuss those arenas likely to be the focus of drug-prevention planning and implementation: families, schools, workplace, and community. Each chapter provides information on the national situation against which to measure the nature and extent of a local problem. Specific issues, problems, and operational concerns are discussed, and opportunities for law enforcement are outlined. Examples of effective programs are provided. Supplementary information and a resource list