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Chain Chain Change for Black Women in Abusive Relationships

NCJ Number
E C White
Date Published
117 pages
This book is addressed to black heterosexual and lesbian women who are involved in abusive relationships; the book deals with specific challenges that black women face in a society that, according to the author, is racist, sexist, and homophobic.
The first chapter discusses the definition of domestic violence, focusing on physical, emotional, and sexual abuse; the impact of sex roles; and the cycle of violence. The psychology of an abusive relationship is discussed from the particular perspective of black women and their abusers. The third and fourth chapters cover the abused woman's decision to stay in or leave the relationship, and the effects of abuse on children. The book discusses resources available to victim of domestic violence, including the police, medical care services, and shelters. Some legal techniques are discussed including restraining orders, prosecution, civil cases, and advocacy for abused women. Support can also be found in counseling, groups, friends and family, and the church. The book presents the case of an abused black lesbian. The final chapter tells readers that they can have a healthy and caring relationship.


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