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Census of Jails, 1978, Volume 3 - Data for Individual Jails in the South,

NCJ Number
Date Published
451 pages
Data in Volume 3 of this report are taken from the 1978 Census of Jails and its companion Survey of Jail Inmates for the 1,678 jails in the South; it is part of a series of reports on 3,493 county and city jails covered by the 1978 census.

These jails are located in Delaware, Maryland, District of Columbia, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas. Data for the survey were collected and tabulated for the Bureau of Justice Statistics by the Bureau of the Census. The report for each region includes eight tables containing data on the following items for each jail in the region: (1) types of persons confined (adult, juvenile, male, female); (2) average daily population; (3) number of inmates on February 15, 1978, by detention status (i.e., not yet arraigned, arraigned and awaiting trial, awaiting sentence, serving sentence); (4) number of inmates held for other authorities; (5) institutional characteristics, including design capacity, renovation or new construction plans, and average floor space of confinement units; (6) number of employees by category (administration, custodial, service, other) and whether full-time or part-time (7) medical services; (8) participation in work-release and weekend sentence programs; and (9) inmate mortality. Within each regional volume, the individual jails are listed by State and county. Data totals are displayed for each State.