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NCJ Number
FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin Volume: 63 Issue: 1 Dated: (January 1994) Pages: 11-15
J Monahan
Date Published
5 pages
Causes of violence are outlined and briefly discussed.
This article describes the FBI's computer-assisted imaging program which is based on a sophisticated photo compositing and retouching system. This system produces age- enhanced photographs, merged images, and reconstructed facial images based solely on skeletal remains. Detailed composite sketches and other retouching functions also can be produced on the system. Improvements in computer-assisted imaging technology currently being perfected include the introduction of three-dimensional digital skull imaging and on-screen rotation of cranial images. To capitalize on this technology's capabilities, the author reminds investigators that all forms of mass media must be used to publicize the enhanced photographs. System configuration is described and guidelines for submitting evidence to the FBI Laboratory are provided. Anecdotal information is provided to illustrate the successful use of computer-assisted imaging technology, including its use in the apprehension of the murderer, John List.