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Casework Testing of the Multiplex Kits AmpFlSTR SEfiler Plus PCR Amplification Kit (AB), PowerPlex S5 System (Promega) and AmpFlSTR MiniFiler PCR Amplification Kit (AB)

NCJ Number
Forensic Science International: Genetics Volume: 4 Issue: 3 Dated: April 2010 Pages: 200-205
Kathrin Muller; Thomas Sommerer; Erich Miltner; Harold Schneider; Peter Wiegand
Date Published
April 2010
6 pages
The short tandem repeat (STR) kits SEfiler PlusTM (D3S1358, FGA, D8S1179, D18S51, D21S11, TH01, VWA, SE33, D2S1338, D16S539, D19S433, and Amelogenin), PowerPlex S5 System (D18S51, D8S1179, D16S539, D18S51, CSF1PO, and FGA) were comparatively tested for their robustness and sensitivity.
About 50 stains with highly degraded DNA and little DNA quantity served as examination material (e.g., hair with a telogen root, bones, degraded saliva stains on drinking vessels, and skin cell mixtures). The PowerPlex S5 with five German DNA database (DAD) systems and the MiniFiler kit with four topical DAD systems and further STR markers show reduced amplicon lengths. The Sefiler PlusTM kit represents no MiniSTR multiplex, but contains the nine current DAD systems and further three systems D2S1338, D16S539 and D19S433, which are the potential expansion markers for the German DNA database. The authors have found on the basis of their comparative stain investigation, that the Sefiler Plus kit was less sensitive than the PowerPlex S5 and the MiniFiler kits. The MiniFilerTM and the PowerPlex S5 kit showed comparatively high sensitivity. Especially in analyzing skin cell mixtures, the MiniFiler kit showed larger differences with regard to the performance of the fluorescent dyes/primer concentration coordination than the PowerPlex S5. The SEfiler Plus kit generated - just as both MiniSTR kits - relative robust typing results, but there appeared an increased sensitivity for 'allelic drop-outs' and 'imbalances'. Since the SEfiler Plus kit was not planned as MiniSTR concept, 'allelic drop-outs' were observed, as expected, more frequent in typing stains with degraded DNA and little DNA quantity, especially in the long polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products (e.g., D18S51). Tables, figures, and references (Published Abstract)