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Cases and Materials on Negotiation - Second Edition

NCJ Number
C J Peck
Date Published
278 pages
This course book on negotiation in labor relations and social problems discusses negotiation models, the relationship of negotiation to other processes, roles in the negotiation process, the psychodynamics of the negotiation process, and negotiation tactics.
The negotiation models reviewed are (1) dispute settlement through legal procedures, (2) single-phase commercial transactions (exchange models), (3) collective bargaining relationships, (4) public sector collective bargaining, and (5) miscellaneous interest relationships. In considering the relationship of negotiation to other processes, the book covers counseling and negotiation, creating the fact pattern for the negotiations, the relationship between litigation and negotiation, and negotiating from weakness. Other topics reviewed in this section are negotiation and publicity, agreements to ongoing relationships, and failure in negotiation. The discussion of roles in the negotiation process distinguishes between the advisor role and the negotiator role as well as between client goals and lawyer or negotiator goals. Personality types and group dynamics in negotiation are considered in the chapter on the psychodynamics of the negotiation process. Descriptions of negotiation tactics consider such issues as establishing a commitment, ascertaining the other party's limits, agenda control and the first draft, and agreement upon fundamentals. Much of the information provided emerges from case studies, and discussion questions on each case study are included. Additional readings for each chapter are listed, and a table of cases and a topical index are provided.


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