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Caseflow Management and Backlog Reduction - An Examination of Vermont's Superior Court Program

NCJ Number
Vermont Law Review Volume: 9 Dated: (Fall 1984) Pages: 247-263
S Smith S; P R J Connolly
Date Published
17 pages
After describing the Vermont Superior Court's backlog reduction and caseflow procedure for civil cases, this report discusses the program's impact after 1 year.
Washington County's one-judge superior court was selected for the pilot project, since it is in the State capital and receives 10 percent of the superior courts' civil caseload. The project began in September 1981. One year later, the Chittenden County Superior Court, with 34 percent of the superior courts' caseload, adopted a similar program. The program increased the number of court days and the number of trials set and enforced a strict continuance policy. Once the backlog had been reduced, the docket was kept current by implementing a caseflow management system. To assess the impact of the caseflow program on delay reduction, data from cases disposed prior to and after the new procedure were compared. The assessment measured the time between major events, the volume of procedural activity, and trial calendar events. Overall, case processing time was reduced. Ninety attorneys who handled cases under the new procedures generally indicated that quality case preparation was not hampered. Procedures apparently do not affect litigation costs. Also, the reduction in case delay did not reduce the volume of activity. Overall, the program indicates that backlog and delay reduction can be achieved by increasing court efficiency and productivity. Suggestions are offered for program improvement. Tabular data and 24 footnotes.


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