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Case Study: Weaving a Web of Support, Palm Beach County, Florida

NCJ Number
Suzie Boss
Date Published
July 2001
50 pages
This document presents the school violence prevention program of Palm Beach County, Florida as case study of effective school safety measures.
The authors studied the efforts of the Palm Beach County, Florida school district to prevent and control school-based violence. The approach selected by the district required the formation of community-school partnerships. The demographic characteristics and performance challenges faced by the Palm Beach County schools are discussed. The case study information is reviewed in the context of the school violence action plan presented in "Safeguarding Our Children: An Action Guide" (Dwyer and Osher, 2000). A three-tiered approach including early intervention, intensive interventions, and schoolwide involvement is suggested as an effective model, and is the model employed by the Palm Beach County schools. The importance of collaboration among various school and community interests is discussed. Community resources used by the Palm Beach schools are described. Contact information for several of those community agencies are provided as an appendix to the study. Chart, appendix, 8 references


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