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Case Classification - Reassessment Risk Score

NCJ Number
M Eisenberg
Date Published
34 pages
This Texas study examines the distribution of parole cases reassessed in February 1984 for each of the risk items in the reassessment risk score, so as to determine the validity of each item as a predictor of release outcome.
The reassessment risk score is a 9-item scale that assesses case risk on the basis of the previous 6 months of parole supervision. The sample consisted of 2,030 cases, and release outcome was based on whether a prerevocation warrant was issued between April 1984 and January 1985. Case data indicate a relationship between parole performance and each of the risk items: percentage of time employed, financial status, alcohol and drug usage, interpersonal relationships, living arrangements, number of address changes, adjustment under supervision, and the use of community resources. The report recommends developing multiple categories within the items of alcohol and drug usage as well as the use of community resources, so as to reflect variations in outcome related to behavioral degrees under each item. Tabular data summarize distribution, release outcome, and proposed revisions in the reassessment risk score.